
unite nude

donation system

My dear supporters
Thanks so much for all your encouragement to continue my way during the last months. I always appreciate your comments so much! Your donations make it possible to keep my site free, and I haven’t in mind to change 😉
Unfortunately, Paypal blocked my account with the justification, that the nudity-content of my site is objectionable and does not correspond with their terms and conditions. This means for me, that I have to search for a new way to receive donations. I already have some ideas, but it takes some time to make the right decision.
Of course your donations are very welcome anytime. If you want to support me, send me a personal message or just wait until we set up a new donation system.
BTW: your ideas are most welcome!
Kisses your Vienna!



  1. Can’t you set a paypal up in Matts name?

  2. V, perhaps you can use a company like CC bill, not as a subscription, but as a way to take donations. Many model’s sites use and there are others as well.

  3. MC_sam will donate in the future. Fuck Paypal…they are freaking hypocritics. They probably allow subscription to Playboy or other such media to pass their gates. Fuck them.

    Now to the important things in life…you!! Matt, that is absolutely one of your best photos of your wife. Damn Vie, I really see how much you work out. This is one of my ALL TIME favorite photos. I may have to make a poster of it and frame it. There’s an idea, Vie. Have Matt make posters of your photos and sell them on Ebay or on your site. Of course, it is not a donation…unless you make it donation that comes with a prize.

    Anyway, Matt has me horny for you again. I think back at the skiing video…Damn, Matt you are good.

    • Hey Vie and Matt, on the idea of selling your photo work I had an additional thought. Maybe on the photos Vie could put paint on your naked bottom and sit on them…or other parts of your body. I think one personalize photo should go for at least 50 euros. Maybe you can customize the color for the buyer. I would love to touch the paint that touched that incredibly lovely bottom!!!! I getting horny just thinking about it. Have you ever heard of the term “brainstorming”? Ideas from others may help you to think of a new idea of your own. Peace. That photo is so incredible HOT!!! TRULY!!! Enjoy your weekend you two. Peace.

    • Haha thx my dear perve ;))))) and thx so much for your compliments, that I always loooove :-****
      it would be another idea, yes why not, but at the moment we are working hard at our bookproject 🙂 kisses good night V

  4. Your nudity is never objectionable, dear.

  5. (Write in french, it s so easy) Il y a de nombreux sites payants. Il doit bien y avoir un moyen d avoir un site avec un contenu libre d accès et de mettre en place la possibilité de payer au mois par exemple, sans renouvellement du paiement, pour te soutenir. Cela fera comme un système de dons?? Ou alors chercher un site de paiement américain ou autre (qui soit moins contraignant que PayPal).

    Cette photo est divine!!!
    Quand commence t on a construire le temple pour t honorer????
    Big kiss

    • Of course the site will stay free. The donation is voluntarily, to make it possible and to spend me some money for the next adventures I will show in a book 😉 however we will find a way … bisous V

  6. Hi Vienna,

    Love your blog! Sorry to hear about the PayPal issue. Have you considered a service like Payoneer? Shoot me an email if you still have my email address. I would love to chat with you! *kiss*


  7. This is too bad…. I hope you will find a solution very soon

  8. Where can I see this artistic sculpture? :-*

  9. Since when did PayPal become the guardians of the planets morals? Why are you being picked on by these faceless organizations? It’s so unfair. You bring joy and pleasure to thousands throughout the world and your only crime is to have a fabulously sexy body of which you are justly proud. You and Matt do not corrupt children and anyone who doesn’t want to look at you only has to look away. Keep up the good work. It’s a great site for you are a beautiful and wonderful lady. Sod paypal and all the other prudes.

    • my dear Stuwden, thx so much for your “fight words” I agree with you, of course. But it is arbitrary and we can do nothing. But we will find a way. And the donations have nothing to do with my postings, so don’t worry I will keep you updated regulary. good night kiss V

  10. you might want to look into patreon, as far as i understand it they are pretty nice and tend to go the extra mile to support the people on there

    it’s for artists, but i think we all agree this is art
    i know that it mostly is used as a kind of subscription service, but it can easily used for donations too

    • dear Tersidian
      thx so much for your flattering words, and yes it is a special kind of art. I looked at patreon, I will try to understand how it works 😉 thx so much for the hint. kisskiss V

  11. What about Western Union??
    I don’t know?
    I just feel guilty I hadn’t taken the time to donate yet!!
    So when you get this figured out, I’ll have to get down to it before some other idiots finds you objectionable!!!

  12. Oh, I agree with Sam!! …. absolutely one of the best B&W shots ever!!

  13. Use Google Pay / Google Wallet

  14. CCbill is a good idea….seems to work for others

  15. I looked and found where I can send you a Mastercard on It will let me send you a gift card in your choice of currency. You could set up a mail box to receive them and use them for what ever you want. They go from 10 to 250 EUR and shipping is free. We could even choose a photo for the card if we like (no nudity allowed) this way as you and Matt are out using the card you may have a photo of your fan who sent it to you.

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