
unite nude

Changes for future blog concept


My great friends, fans and admires

After careful considerations and evaluation of all your comments and feedbacks and also personal talks with some of my best fans we decided to change the concept of the blog … not completely … but slightly within the next weeks.

In general everything will remain as usual but the share of bonus posts will be increased to honor those who make all this possible! I always was hoping that it will be equipoised of its own volition. But the values has shown more and more, that it’s a marginal amount of fans who shoulder the entire weight whilst all around get nearly the same advantages.

I was asked many times from regular supporters why I don’t make a pay site, because it would be much fairer, and I have to consider the feelings of my supporter. To leave it as it is would risk to loose also the regular supporters what would mean the end of the blog in fact.

It’s not my aim to speak about financial issues of all the things around Vienna-stuff but just to let you know one fact, I never reached the costs with the incomes in the past. It’s completely my passion not a job 😉

I know what I am doing is unique worldwide and you can’t find exhibitionism in this way somewhere else in internet, many fantastic other ways but not going into the mid of society and not in this fine art way.

What does it mean in fact? In the future for the most posts there will be a short preview available as free teaser for everybody, but the majority of pictures especially nude or with transparent clothes in public will be in the related bonus post. In this way I keep available for everybody but respect and honor my supporters more. Some posts will still keep completely free for everybody to inform you about news and plans.

How to get a password? The passwords will be change regular monthly or bi-monthly. To get a password is very easy, there are always 3 possibilities:


You can make a donation via donation button (ccbill) on my site – the password will be sent to you automatically within short time (if it’s not working send me an email and I will send the password) LINK on right side menu



You can buy my book or ebook – Send me the confirmation by email to: viennalove(at) you will get back the current password send by email – links on right side menu



You can choose the very classic way and send me a letter on the postal way with your donation (Postfach 18, A-2544 Leobersdorf, Austria) mention your email address and I will send you the current password by email


The amount of your donation is up2you (starting by the selectable value). I want to invite everybody, those who are able to sponsor generous and also those who can give a little.

I am sure that this change will raise the quality of the blog once more 🙂


During the next 7 days there is the special offer to contribute at my kickstarter campaign. For every support (except 1€ virtual kiss) you will get the passwords for BOTH August and September bonus posts.


Kisses Vienna


  1. Hallo,

    ich bin zwar nur ein kleiner Förderer, aber ich finde die Idee gut. Eine Bezahlseite sollte es nicht werden, das würde irgendwie gegen die Idee gehen.
    Ansonsten bin ich ganz auf deiner Seite.


    • Danke für die Unterstützung 🙂
      Und ich seh es genau wie du, keine Bezahlseite, aber Unterstützer wie du sollen einfach mehr gewürdigt werden.

  2. To all fans:
    One thing I can say. The “protected” updated are even better than regular ones.
    So, lets all help Vienna in realizing her Tokyo dream.
    Cheers! 🙂

    Keep on smiling, Vienna!

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