
unite nude

Summer Feeling


Just 4 days until we take off to our holidays to France! Best time to warm up with a hot summer today afternoon 🙂 Did you was live with me on Periscope today?


Enjoying hot weather in the park 🙂


What a great feeling, a warm breeze fanned my skin all over …

It’s the last day of July … that means also last chance to save your July Special Password


For all you my great supporter of the month I collected once more the hottest moments of the day in an extra post with password … come in and (EN)join

LINK >>> Bonus Summer Feeling Pics

Let me give you a first statement to my crowdfunding campaign at Kickstarter.


It was not a turbo start 😉 but I am totally optimistic, that we rock it this time again!

To all who wants to know if they get a password for donating. YES YOU WILL. You will get the password for SEPTEMBER bonus round, as soon as the campaign successfully ended! And of course you will additionally save the reward for your support!

Most I hope to have some great meetings after the campaign with those who support with a corresponding amount, … maybe with YOU? or YOU? London, Brussels, Salzburg were the meetings held last time, IT WAS FANTASTIC … and this time? maybe Belgrade, maybe oversea … USA, Canada or Australia? Yes this time is also the possibility to meet all over the world!

Hope to get some of you on board of the campaign 🙂


Send you tonnes of nude kisses

Vienna … tralalalalala … just in a good mood … tralalala


  1. You were WONDERFUL on Periscope this morning (well, it was afternoon for you) both times. I love watching, knowing that we are watching you live, in person, somewhere else on the planet.

  2. Hi,
    Wenn ich nur zu hause gewesen wäre. Das nächste mal vielleicht. Ach ja und wäre es möglich eventuell eine digitale kopie deines neuen Buches bei den kleineren pleges bei kickstarter zu bekommen? Wäre eine spitzen ergänzung.


    • Da hast du recht, wäre eigentlich eine super Ergänzung, aber das ist mit blurb gar nicht so einfach möglich. Die haben die Rechte am ebook und ein download link bekommt nur wer direkt über blurb kauft, da kann auch ich nichts machen, leider. Bei den gedruckten Büchern ist das anders, da ich den Druck aller Bücher bereits bezahlt habe, sind diese in meinem Besitz, daher kann ich über diese (zumindest die bereits gedruckten) verfügen. Ist leider etwas kompliziert :***

  3. Only one word:

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