
unite nude

Signing Books

Unfortunately it’s not possible to sign every book before it’s send out to the buyers, because the books are printed and stored far away from Vienna.

But you have the possibility to send the book to me (Postfach 18, 2544 Leobersdorf, Austria) together with the shipping costs. I will write a personal message, sign it and return to you.

My great fan Mike did this way already. Mike, you are great and I hope the book with my dedication will reach you soon, it’s already on the way back to you!

kisses Vienna



You still haven’t my book??? Really? Than you maybe have seen much of me BUT you didn’t see THE BEST! … or like my fan Steve from USA said “… in your book you go beyond any of the previous work.”

But no problem 😉 There are still enough in store! Use your chance and buy now 🙂 

Check out my books

To all my fans  out there … you have still the chance to get the password for the naughtiest special ever – my hot sex in the office picture and video story!

KISSES Vienna!


  1. I want to fuck you, Vie!!!! Oh, you are so hot!!!! If I was rich, you would not need all this, I would give it to you. You are SO beautiful!!! You would not need the recognition of your book. Why do you need this book to be successful or whatever? Is it personal or something else? Think about it. You have a guy that loves you (Matt…maybe you should relish this reality). What else do you need?Smile and be happy. Every one is a shooting star. We have our moment then we fade away. Sad but true. But I will always see you as BEAUTIFUL. Its not the skin that you show…its something deeper, Beautiful. I cherish the person that you are…something deeper then skin.

  2. Just got it, looks just like the picture. Very sweet note from you, and the perfume is intoxicating, it’s almost as if I were with you in Berlin, or Prague. Thank you so much, goddess….

  3. Dear Goddess Vie
    I love what you do & please keep spreading the love. You are so beautiful, amazing.I loved the fetish/ kink outfit. Is Matt your sub? Vie you look great in anything. Especially nude.
    I want to fuck you also.
    Get in line huh.
    You make me so fuckin hard.

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