
unite nude

it is dooone – “xmas”-letters for my supports are out

2 months after successful finalization of the crowfunding campaign for my book, I am sooo happy to tell you that ALL letters are sent to you today 🙂

In the next two weeks also my US, Australian und NZ guys should received their personal letters after a long way. I wish I could bring it personally but nevertheless I hope you will love the inside 😉

Hot kisses, your Vienna



  1. Can’t wait! Did you spray some perfume of yours on the letters too?? ??❤️?❤️???

  2. Hallo,

    danke für den netten Brief und die tollen Bilder 🙂
    Hast du noch mehr aus Leoben?


  3. Vielen Dank. Ist gestern angekommen.
    Haben uns sehr über die Fotos gefreut. 🙂

  4. Hallo Vienna,

    Vielen Dank für deine sexy Weihnachtsüberraschung 🙂 .
    Der Brief ist dieses WE angekommen. Ist mir eine Freude dein Projekt unterstützen zu können.
    Ich freu mich schon auf weitere nackte Abenteuer von dir in der nächsten Zeit.

    Grüße von Ostsee and Stay Nude 🙂


  5. Sehr schön, Danke.

  6. Sorry Vie but I am not completely a believer in your book dream. I enjoy the privacy of your discretionary postings. I also don’t think you realize the individuals that you will attract by publishing your book. Not all are nice or responsive to your desires. Please keep your home address and all private info secure. Secondly, I can not afford the cost of your book…but you are in my heart *forever* and I only see as someone incredible attractive…no matter your age. Wishing you only the best…and hoping for them. I would use the word pray..but I don’t do that anymore. Peace Beautiful.

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