
unite nude

Vienna opera visit

Hi Guys,

Back from New York!

I fulfilled a heart’s desire of me today. A visit in Vienna state opera house. Puccini’s “La Boheme” was on the playing schedule. The opera was fantastic, what amazing voices they have! But what do you think about my outfit? To hot for a “Vienna” opera visit? It’s such an exciting feeling to stroll through the opera in a transpaent evening dress and giving the chance to get some special Vienna views to all the tourists, hehee

Afterwards we continued in a nice bar next to the opera house. Some pictures will follow soon!

Kisses Vienna



  1. nice dress, you look perfect! so beautiful

  2. Endlich mal ein wirklich guter Grund in die Oper zu gehen!
    Du siehst umwerfnd aus!!!!!!

  3. meravigliosa creatura, Italia ama Vienna, Italy love Vienna

  4. You are such a stunning beauty V!! ???

  5. Stunning.

  6. Hi,

    geniale Oper da kann ich dir nur zustimmen und dein Outfit ist spitze, du zeigst doch “fast” gar nichts 😉


  7. Vienna,

    You are absolutely beautiful in your black evening dress. Just stunning!

  8. j adore les transparences !!!! 😉

  9. Vienna, Just love Your “hot couture” style where I can see almost everything…
    I admire Your great taste in fashion. You look very nobly in this historical place.
    I can not wait to see more. Stay nude and happy!

  10. Vienna I adore you even more! You are beautiful, always. You look so elegant in the dress and so naughty too. As the exhibitionist that you are, I am sure your heart was beating very fast with the excitement of it all. Beautiful.

  11. Okay, the female human form is the most lovely natural thing on earth. But it is the loveliest in its youth. Of course, you realize that “age” humbles all…and takes away physical beauty. Nothing can take away the beauty that you are as a person, Vie!!

  12. Yay Vienna! You did it. This has been a little dream of mine for a little while. I suggested an Opera visit when you were asking for ideas back in November 2014. Hope you enjoyed La Boheme. A superb choice!

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