
unite nude

Bonus pics to my new contri @voyeurweb

For you my fans some bonus pics to my current contribution at voyeurweb.



The entire contri you can find here:

kisses Vienna


  1. You are amazing and beautiful. I haven’t figured out what I like most…your legs? …your belly? …the curve of your butt? …your breasts? …your face? …your hair? I love them all. What I’ve been discovering, though, is what I like the most is between your ears.

    • awww so lovely ( biiiiiig smile 😉 ) I am glad you like the pictures. It was a great time nevertheless I cannot wait to stroll through the big cities again and feel “my heart skips, skips a beat” 😉

  2. You look happy, beautiful and I love Your smile!
    Maybe You will live at Cap d’Agde some day… That way You could be naked at the streets every day. But You are – You are Vienna after all! 🙂

    • thank you my dear Tanith
      these pics are in the small city, where it is also not allowed to be nude. If you try to leave Cap d’agde nude the security also call you back loool
      its hard to describe, I enjoy to be nude where its NOT allowed and see the different reactions …

      (I write you in the next days, thanks so much for your mail and e-mail)

  3. Dear.

    Iam waiting for you exhib in indonesia. There many exotic place.

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