Only one left … ticktack ticktack …
I proudly present … the second supporter who saved a dinner with me and I am so happy that it’s my long year fan Stuart from Great Britain. I got many letters from him during the last months and now I am really happy and excited to meet him in person. The details are not finally clarified but I think it’s a perfect opportunity to combine the dinner with a photo shooting in London next year (which I want to do since years).
Now only one dinner is left and for all who thought and think about to do it “maybe”, especially those of you who already wrote me an email about, doesn’t take long, too long – it could be too late. And to avoid misunderstandings date and place of the dinner we can coordinate individually!
Visit my campaign and look how the things develops. I hope to see soon “sorry, none left!” for the dinner reward and I would be REALLY happy if YOU are the one
Kisses Vienna
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