
unite nude

Paris – European Capital of Prudery?!

The pre-publishing campaign of my book “I am (n)u(e)rban” is going on. We are going on and on and on … I am happy to see that already 59 of you are of the opinion that the project deserves to be supported. GREAT … keep on your support! All who are not sure so far … I would be really happy to welcome you on board!

Now to the second part of my Paris story:

As promised in my first Paris post I tell you today the story today about my most obscure contact with the security I ever had.

Well, it happens last year in August when Matt and me were in Paris to get some nice pics for my nude urban project, that we made unwelcome acquaintance with the French security authorities.

Unlike the most shootings I wasn’t nude. I was wearing a transparent black dress.

IMG_1341One hour after we finalized the first pics – near to Eiffel Tower – suddenly 2 officers from the police asked us to come with them to their station (it was a small station in the ground of an edge of Eiffel Tower). It turned out, that they heard from a military patrol that they have seen a woman wearing a transparent dress with nothing underneath. – so what?

IMG_1351This was the scene that the military patrol reported to the police …

No problem we thought, because it’s easy to explain what we are doing here and so I told the police that I was wearing the transparent dress for a photo shooting. And to wear such a dress was certainly nothing for what it’s justified to enforce a fine or even more badly a punishment. Normally one or maximum two policeman should be enough to make this clarifications with us – there was absolute no danger for anybody. I mean, I was wearing a transparent dress, where should I hide something dangerous?!

IMG_1059But what’s going on in this small police station during the next 30 minutes was absolutely crazy, never happened before and never seen after! Gradually more and more policeman, – woman and even soldiers came into the police station. There came at least 5 or 6 policemen, 1 policewoman and 4 soldiers with terrifying weapons in their hands. I think there were no more police or military patrol on the place direct under the Eiffel Tower anymore. At the end even 2 Romanian foreign police officers were joining (guess they were on an exchange program). This was by far the most obscure scene I ever had during a shooting, no … moreover I would say ever! If somebody wants to fire a bomb on one of the most visited places on Earth, this was the right moment. It seems that a small redhead, clearly shown unarmed under her sheer dress was so dangerous that it needs about 13 security persons to secure. And they start to absolutely talk at us that we have to admit otherwise they will bring me to jail for 24 hours. We really didn’t know what to admit! The police woman than starts to speak loud in French to me and although I speak a little bit French I couldn’t understand her, too fast and too loud she spoke to me and I am sure it was “very nice” what she said. In parallel one police officer did some phone calls – guess he was calling his chief or someone from the prosecution.

About 30 minutes later, as suddenly as we came in this scary situation as suddenly they told us we can go. Nothing more about a fine or that I should admit … just “ok, you can go”. I am sure the one at the other end of the phone-line explained them, that there is nothing for what they could prosecute me.

My friends , you can imagine how scared I was about what happens when we leave the police station. It was nearly impossible to continue the photo shooting on this day and I am sure we would have now much more especially nude pics from Paris if this wouldn’t happened to us. They never apologize, not when they told us that we can go nor after I complaint about what happened later in an email to Paris Police. But however also this couldn’t stopp my peaceful nude urban project!

Until today or even more today it’s absolutely absurd and unclear for me, what all these police and military wants to secure. Isn’t it the wrong approach to protect the mainstream against one of the most peaceful things on earth but give in the same moment all the thieves and thimblerigger around (and there are a really big amount of them on this place) the chance to do their business undisturbed?!

IMG_1420You are invited to give me your opinion about this. What do you think? Do our police always set the right priorities? Discuss with me about!

Kisses Vienna



  1. They just wanted to have a closer look and the woman got really exited.

  2. Hi Vienna!
    Thirteen police man is far, far too many to deal with two peaceful, Austrian tourists. I think they did not know what to do with You two. When others policeMAN heard that there is beautiful, half naked woman on the station, they quickly run to see You. Unprofessional…
    In other cities police keep their distance and watch You with interest – Berlin for example.

    The photos are artistic and beautiful.
    I love those made in Café, from the first Paris part.

    • like others say here I also think they didn’t know how to handle this “unnormal” situation. at the end I only regret that I didn’t took a vid of this situation loool

  3. I agree Vie this is crazy and a very scary experience for you I can only imagine. After letting you go without charges. You clearly deserved an explanation

  4. Bonjour,
    pour commencer, je dois dire que j’admire votre “travail” et vos photos et que heureusement, tous les français ne sont pas parisien !…
    Certains “policiers”, notamment ceux des services municipaux ont tendances, dans toutes les grandes agglomérations, à se prendre pour des “cowboys”, des justiciers, mais qui hélas ne sont juste bons qu’à fuir devant le premier danger qui arrive…
    Les ordres qu’ils reçoivent sont surtout d’éviter tous les dérapages possibles…
    Et là, tu te doutes bien qu’il y a sur Paris, certaines personnes que ta tenue, (très jolie d’ailleurs) pouvaient déranger, justement ceux que l’on voit sur la photo …
    Je ne suis pas raciste, je suis “anti-religion” et c’est surtout cette “religion” qu’il faut éviter de “traumatiser” en France, et surtout à Paris… La sûreté française est en train de devenir une sûreté de “trouillards” qui préfèrent s’aplatir que de contenir !…
    Après, s’il sont arrivé en si grand nombre dans le poste, c’était sûrement pour la simple et bonne raison du spectacle visuel que tu pouvais leur offrir !… L’occasion de mater une jolie fille à demi-nue… À part cette “grognasse” de fliquette qui devait juste crever de jalousie…
    Voilà, on ne peut rien y faire, les policiers municipaux sont des “cons” et ceux de Paris encore plus qu’ailleurs…
    Moi, je suis très fière de te voir ainsi au pied de notre Tour Eifel…
    Je te souhaite encore plein d’aventures, mais sans ces incompétents qui se prennent pour des “Zorro” …
    J’espère que tu pourras traduire correctement ces lignes et en attendant de retrouver de nouvelles photos aussi superbes, je te fais de Gros Bisous “partout”… Lol…
    Bisous… <3

    • je vous remercie pour vos paroles d’encouragement!
      unfortunately my french is not so good so I have to reply in english 😉
      when I wrote the story I hoped that my dear french guya are not angry with me 😉 and I see you aren’t
      I enjoyed France and especially Paris a lot. Yes this situation was really hard and I felt treaten unjust. The situation about the police(wo)men you told we have not only in Paris 😉
      But from the shootings after Paris you see, that also these situations cannot stop me.
      I love to stay in contact with my fans and to read your compliments – not only about me, especially about the pics means a lot to me and push me. And I am sure, one day I will be under the Tour Eiffel again ;))))

  5. Hubert Lelièvre

    August 30, 2015 at 2:53 pm

    Dear Vienna,
    As a Parisian, I am all the more sorry about this unpleasant and ridiculous adventure. Yet I am not surprised, as our police is one of the most unpredictable and badly trained in the world. I am not speaking of officers, who do a good job with ridiculous means. I am talking of the rank-and-file policeman, who usually has a low level of education, no understanding of what the law means, very little training, and who as a consequence considers a crime anything unusual or shocking from his own personal point of view or his religious preconceipts . So, my advice would be to keep away from Paris or other large French cities (Lyon is worse still) and when you are in France, keep to out-of-the-way places, where the atmosphere is a bit more easy-going and police is not everywhere (even districts in Paris which are not touristic should be less problematic, as you must have experienced during your café shooting). But be prudent, as no policeman in the country understands the law on exhibitionism. As to the miltary, please excuse them as they have a very hard and unrewarding job with the anti-terrorism measures, so when they see anything to report, it makes their day; and knowing the details of law is not their task.
    Danke vielmals für die ausgezeichneten Bilder und Videos vom Cap d’Agde (und ich gratuliere Matt zu den perfekten Aufnahmen). Es ist zu sehen, wie Du erregt warst, und genau das reizt mich toll.
    Liebe Grüsse, Hubert

    • Lieber Hubert
      Vielen Dank für deine Worte!
      It seems so ;)))) Of course what I do is for some provocation but I don’t wanna disturb others. It is so strange what is allowed and what not and also what our children can/should see and what not.
      For me it is a desire and a big rush to be on the most popular places at the world. So the Eiffel Tower was must ;)))

      I am happy to read you like the Cap d’agde pics! It is always a highlight in Summer.

      Kuss/Kiss/Bisous, your Vienna

  6. I think It may have been the muslim looking people who reported you …Their sensibilities may have been offended ..That is why so many Muslims are such big prudes and are angry all the time

  7. It’s obvious that all they wanted to do is have the opportunity to get a glimpse of you.

  8. Come to America, land of freedom, and you would have gone to jail for sure. Talk about prude, USA takes 1st place for sure.

    • my dear Chris
      yes its strange. and it depends on the country. france and also italy are “prude” with public nudity. Others are more easy … but also in NY it is allowed to be topless. I will take the risc for completely nude ;)))

  9. pretty scary indeed! those guys are assholes! unprofessional! fuck them! go vienna! dont let that small incident stop you! love lots…

  10. You are invited to give me your opinion about this. What do you think? Do our police always set the right priorities? Discuss with me about!
    From the way you tell it, it must have been very scary indeed! It is clear that the police involved were only harassing you in order to extend the time they could look at such a beautiful woman. They eventually let you go because you had not committed any crime and there was nothing to charge you with.

    Do the police always set the right priorities? Absolutely NOT! Are they to be blamed? Absolutely. As officers of the law they are required (by law usually) to behave and live by a higher standard than civilians. Do they usually do it? NO. Some of them believe themselves to be “above” the law and harass civilians without any conscience or consequence, breaking the laws they are supposed to enforce.

    I respect you for what you do! And I hope you continue doing it, not just for the thrills that you get personally, but to show the world that our bodies are beautiful and peaceful and that clothing serves a function but should never be required by anyone else. Our bodies belong to us alone and are nobody else’s business.

  11. Hi Vienna,
    I like your work a lot, but you can’t expect everyone to be happy about it. “The most peacefull thing in the world”? Come on girl, you know better than that. It’s quite provoking to get (semi-)undressed in public. In a way, it feels quite aggressive to ‘normal’ people, so don’t be surprised that you get some unkind comments now and then. Don’t tell me that you didn’t realise that. Of course, it’s for artistic purposes, but even then you’re balacing on a thin line. And about the police:, after all, it’s forbidden to be naked in public in France, so when you ignore the law you risk to get busted. And it’s not that you went for 2 months to jail, so why are you complaining? Because the cops spoiled your day? Ever realised how many people’s days you spoiled when they saw you stripping naked? And where do they need to complain? Well, I’d like to re-emphasis that I adore your work, but you should realise how tricky this kind of art is!

    • To be interesting one have to provoke (S.Dali)
      Arts needs resistance, that’s a fact. And of course confrontation with nudity in an unexpected moments demands too much of some people. BUT it’s not dangerous to anybody, not a bit.
      Nudity is peaceful, thats a fact. We all born nude and there is nothing more natural than our nude body.
      Yes it’s forbidden to be naked in France, this doesn’t mean that it’s good or bad. What the one feels to be completely normal is for the other country a big violation. It’s forbidden to show your hair in saudi arabia for women or to drive a car and I would be killed for what I do there, it’s their law, but is it a good law in your eyes? Should everybody always follow rules even they are ridiculous or dangerous?
      What’s dangerous with a nude woman? If somebody don’t like … look elsewhere. I think somebody who feels aggressive because of nudity has a big problem with his sexuality, that’s dangerous not the nude one. Maybe I spoiled some days of few, but I exactly know I made thousand days 🙂 :***
      Let me tell you something about the France story. Direct next to me where timblering player and thieves, the police knew that fact but they did nothing against, instead they was with 14 people to arrest a woman in a transparent dress (I was not nude). It was a kind of blaming and chicane and at the end they had to leave me without any fine.
      Hope you understand my position :*
      Kisses Vienna

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